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Showing posts from July, 2018

TOSS THE COOKIE CUTTER: Redesigning My Math Rotations

     Last year was full of MANY trials and errors. I learned so much about myself professionally and personally. I made an executive decision in my classroom that I was no longer going to be restrained by methods others wanted me to use in my classroom. After all, they were MY kids. And yes, they are OUR kids, but they were MINE. I learned their strengths and weaknesses within the first few months. At times I felt I was hiding behind my “First Year Teacher” title and "this is how THEY are wanting me to do it".       Once I made the decision to teach my way for MY kids, I noticed a big change. I became more confident in myself and it showed. My 6th grade students slowly began to change their mindset about math and school in general. Keep in mind, I was told that they were "THE GROUP." I began having idea after idea and I had to figure out how to channel that energy. I needed to focus on ONE area in my instruction. I decided my entire Ma...