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Teachers Pay Teachers

When I was a senior in college, I had to make a lot resources for my student teaching lessons. Well, I didn't  HAVE to, I chose to. I  find it hard choosing pre-made resources because I  feel something is missing from it. Don't get me wrong, there are REALLY REALLY GREAT  resources out there.  

I received a lot of positive feedback from the girls in my cadre and  teachers that I worked with. After hearing, "you should put that on Teachers Pay Teachers" so many times, I finally created  a store.  I felt discouraged at first as I wasn't getting the traffic I wanted. I did lots of research and began networking with other teachers. I joined Facebook groups, followed blogs, and I even created a  teacher Instagram account. My TpT store began generating traffic  the summer of 2017. Not a lot by any means.  I'm talking like 5. Now, I have followers, ratings, and several products that have been downloaded over 200 times!  Celebrate all the small achievements, because you will  appreciate the big ones even more.

Now that I have a few years of classroom experience under my belt, I feel more confident in my "teach-ilities" (I SO JUST MADE THAT UP) that I'm able to figure out what  resources my students  would benefit from if I daydream.  Usually, I can't find anything that is spot on to what I'm looking for, BUT, I do stumble across great resources. If I can't find it on TpT, I will just make it. You can view my video here on how to create your own TpT products in Google Slides. 

Like every teacher, we have our obsessions. My latest  being my planner. I did so well in high school and college completing my planner, yet I slacked off once I got into the classroom. And to be honest, I was a huge mistake. So, one of my goals for 2019 is to get back into planning. Another goal I have is to increase my activity on my social media platforms. I've slacked off big time, my last YouTube video was 8 months ago!  I want to create more TpT products, YouTube tutorials, and post more on IG. To help me with my products,  I've  have a new resource and I'm so excited to share it with you! I have been contemplating  creating  it for quite some time now.  I'm talking years. LOL.   

I present to you, Stand Tall Mya Rose.

I  created my  very first font! It is named after my daughter, Mya. My sister is very silly and loves to call her Mya Rose. That is not my child's middle name! LOL. It's actually Ashlyn. I thought Mya Rose had a cute ring to it, so I used it for my font. I will have a set eventually of Mya Rose Fonts.   This is  my first one and I know I will make progress as I'm still learning.  I'm excited about it. Head over to my TpT store to grab this font while it's on sale! 

